Redfield PTO is a small 501(c)(3) not-for-profit Parent-Teacher Organization operated by hard-working parent volunteers, teachers, staff, and community members who pool their talents to make an impact by supporting our teachers and students through volunteerism and fundraising. The PTO is a separate entity from Redfield Elementary School. We are not managed by Redfield administration or the Scottsdale Unified School District. Working together with the school and the district the Redfield PTO strives to ensure that parents are engaged with what's happening on campus and to fund special programs and supplies that are otherwise outside the school’s budget. 


Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.



Interested in open positions? Contact us!


board members

President: Amy Fergus - contact@redfieldpto.com

Vice President: Sarah Harris - contact@redfieldpto.com

Secretary: Jenika Brown-Pientka - contact@redfieldpto.com

VP of Finance: Maggie Ryan - finance@redfieldpto.com

VPs of Events: Alison Stein and Meredith Seibermann - events@redfield.com

VP of Fundraising: Becky Ross 

VP of Communications: Regina Greenblatt - communications@redfieldpto.com

Room Parent coordinator: Nicole Quadrini - roomparentinfo@gmail.com

Staff Hospitality: Amanda Bell 

Membership Hospitality: Sharon Smith

Yearbook: Jennifer Ross, yearbook@redfieldpto.com


Seeking Event Chairs for the Following

Trunk or Treat

Canned Food Drive

Penguin Patch

Movie Night

5th Grade Clap Out