What is Cardinal Care?

Cardinal Care is a wonderful program created by the Redfield PTO designed to show our appreciation for our hardworking teachers and staff. Each month we invite parents to bring in treats, snacks, and drinks to brighten the day of our dedicated educators.


How Does It Work?

  1. Monthly Event: Cardinal Care takes place on the last Friday of every month. This is a special day dedicated to celebrating and supporting our teachers with some tasty goodies. Please note that if the last Friday falls on a school holiday or a day when school is not in session, Cardinal Care will take place on the Friday prior to the days off.

  2. What to Bring: We welcome a variety of items including snacks, treats, and drinks. Whether it’s homemade goodies or store-bought items, your contribution will be greatly appreciated!

  3. Drop-Off Instructions: You can drop off your items at the front office any time during the week leading up to Cardinal Care. For fresh items, like fruits or baked goods, we ask that you bring them in on the morning of Cardinal Care, before school starts. This helps ensure that the food stays fresh and ready for our teachers and staff to enjoy.

How to Get Involved?

If you’d like to participate in Cardinal Care, please sign up below. When you sign up, let us know what you plan to bring so we can make sure we have a diverse selection of treats and avoid duplicates. This will also help us coordinate and ensure a well-rounded assortment of snacks and drinks for our teachers and staff. Don't want to go shopping but want to participate? Donate to the Cardinal Care fund by clicking the link below. Thank you for your support and for helping make Cardinal Care a special occasion for our educators!